And the link becomes apparent…

This is my favorite quantum term from Dr Fred Alan Wolf.   I am encouraged that it will happen more frequently as I continue to develop courage to move through the unknown on a daily basis. The reason I love this phrase so much is because of the internal excitement it creates in me when it happens. It reminds me of that being in love feeling. There is a tingle from my solar plexus that rushes through my whole being which leads me to believe that this is how it must feel when you are physically connected to spirit. Would love to hear from people who have passed over and come back regarding the physical sensations they experienced during the transformation.

From Physics Dept, University of Manitoba

From Physics Dept, University of Manitoba

Because of my teacher and Elder Parisha Taylor, I have adopted a lifestyle that is based on goals and outcomes while staying in present time and engaging the observer.  In the early years of my training with her the subject of my personal power came up on a regular basis.  She spent a lot of time helping me to stop playing the victim and allow myself to be.  Taking back control of my life while moving through it creating as I go has made me a little nervous sometimes when I don’t know which path to take to achieve a goal or get to a specific outcome.

Without specific goals and outcomes we are susceptible to the desired goals and outcomes of others as we move through their realities and since there is no separation those with the strongest focus lead the way.

I tend to move too quickly as I have mostly removed procrastination from my reality.   I had not given myself enough time to consolidate,  be still and get in touch with present time to see where I really am in time. When I can’t make up my mind as to which path to take I know I am caught between parallel worlds and I could end up in a world and outcome I do not want. So when I have put so much into a plan that I need to stop and let the universe catch up that’s when it happens. The link becomes apparent.  It’s like a series of flashes that come quickly as each event reveals itself and shows how it will lead into another.

Now if I can just pace myself and increase the amount of time I stay in present time, engaging the observer, I can assess where I am at.  I will decrease the anxious stress about my not knowing the how’s of the attainment of my goals and will be better able to follow my own map as I am co creating it with the universe.  I appreciate everyone who is  brave enough to enter my reality with me as it can be a scary but exciting ride!

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  1. […] Alannah Ryane’s Blog Applying Quantum Terms To Life « And the link becomes apparent… […]


  2. […] comes back in a different form than you envisioned. My favorite quote from Mind into Matter is “when the link becomes apparent”. As you move forward on the time loop toward your goal, you start to catch clues coming back on […]


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